Monday, October 13, 2008

How to Pick Up Women Online With 1 Easy Online Attraction Tip

In this article I will share with you just one easy tip that will start to help you learn how to pick up and attract women online.

I know the most effective secrets for attracting the hottest women on the internet. And I don't mean just on online dating websites! Learn to pickup gorgeous-looking girls on social networking websites like Facebook, MySpace, Nexopia, and more.

How to Pickup Women Online: First Online Attraction Tip

A lot of guys wonder, "Do I need a profile picture?" Then I always think to myself, are you kidding me? Is that a serious question? It's so common sense! The short answer is yes.

Having a profile picture, a good profile picture, is one of the most important aspects of your online dating or Facebook profile. Remember what you're trying to do here? You're trying to sell yourself! Think of your profile as business brochure. Who is going to want to buy any of your products if they don't know what they look like?

However, I do always say that your profile is not as important as your first approach message... but it is a key element. We will cover the first approach message another time. It doesn't even matter if you think you're not attractive. You are about nine times more likely to have hot women respond to you if you have a profile picture.

Do you know what a lot of women think when a "no-face" male tries to talk to them on the internet without a picture? You're right. She's thinking, 'Wow, what a creep. What's he got to hide? He probably looks like a disgusting mutant. Gross!'
Even worse, she might also think you're just down-right unconfident and insecure. This is the last thing you want to happen.

How to Pickup Women Online: Attractive Profile Picture

So how can you make an attractive profile picture? Here are just a few ways to spruce up your picture:

Let's start with the obvious. First, use a good camera. No, I don't want you using your webcam to shoot some exclusive face-shots. Everyone has access to a good digital camera, do make sure you use it.

At all costs, do not include your typical "self-glamour" shots. You know what I'm talking about. You guys that stand in front of a mirror with a camera snapping away at yourself with different facial expressions and various model-like poses. This is one of the lamest things you could ever do in your life! It also screams I'm a try-hard! This is something you must avoid.

How To Pick Up Women Online: Leave Your Shirt On

And leave your shirt on! Trust me on that one.

So what kind of pictures should you be using? Simple. Use pictures of yourself doing things you love, or things that you are passionate about! Add a picture of you playing guitar, playing some sort of sport, drawing, singing, etc. You get the picture. Women love men who are passionate so show it. Try and take some pictures with as many beautiful friends as you can (yes, pictures with hot girls do work).

This is what you're trying to portray: "I am a happy individual who knows how to have a good time. If you want to have a fun time, you better be talking to me. If you aren't, boy, are you missing out!"

You can even include pictures of you partying somewhere fun. Or simply include a picture of you laughing with a bunch of friends. Again, you get the idea.

How To Pick Up Women Online: Body Language

Here's another vital tip: keep your body language in check.

There are certain things that indicate how healthy a person is and posture is indeed one of them. Here's a really easy one to follow, smile! Something as simple as smiling works wonders.

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